
Friday, December 13, 2013


Product/Market ?hThe industry sector is telecommunications ?hProduct lines, NOKIA 3ccc¡¦s, 5100¡¦s, 8200¡¦s and the 8890 ?hTotal mart size 7 575 million in EUR$ ?hAmount of familiarity¡¦s market place share is 4,684,184,964 ?hPeople who use these products are people who gather up to communicate throughout there day when they are non at home. The main target area is from the ages of 15-40 ?hSome of NOKIA¡¦s biggest competitors in the radiocommunication communications industry are Sprint, Nextel and AT&type A;T. Its competitors in the communication equipment industry are Qualcomm, Inc., L.M. Ericsson and Motorola ?hAll the warlike companies selling telecommunications have different features within their own conjunction ?hThe company of NOKIA distributes their anticipates to Bell, Fido, Rogers AT&T, and Smart Set. Fido is the company¡¦s primary one it distribute to. ?hPrice ranges for the NOKIA phones range from the series mode ls. The NOKIA 3ccc¡¦s series be about $60. The NOKIA 5100¡¦s series cost about $100, the 8200¡¦s series costs about $300 and the top model from NOKIA the 8890 costs about $800. ?hThe company of NOKIA sells its products by producing the bring forwards, then selling the telephones to different telephone companies that sell a cellular service to its customers. To bribe a telephone, it can be purchased from retail and the Internet. The company advertises in magazines, commercials and the newspaper.
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The advertisement does appeal to their customers, because NOKIA¡¦s statement to the consumers is ¡§connecting people.¡¨ The cor! poreal website is very useful, because usu whollyy people founding capture¡¦t know if the telephone is right for them. If they use the corporeal website, they will be able to find the right telephone and price range for themselves.         When reviewing the NOKIA Company, I think that they have charter the 4P¡¦s of marketing fairly well. The product is great (cellular phones) because both(prenominal) of us are not at home all(a) the time which is why... If you want to get a full essay, purchase order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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