
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Themes Of Macbeth

One of the themes of Macbeth is that wrong doing has serious consequences. This is especially true regarding Macbeth and birdie Macbeth. They both committed s incessantlyal sins and were forced to suffer cowardly repercussions. Macbeth was a cold blooded hit. He polished out of greediness and desire. Macbeth killed the king of Scotland solely to take the throne. He had always had chummy aspirations to become king. He then engage murderers to kill Banquo and and his parole Fleance. He had them killed be exercise he did not indigence their bloodline to ever see the throne. He didnt lack his lowering work to be wasted on someone else. I feel this was super greedy because Banquo was once his good friend. afterward the killing Macbeth seen Banquos ghost. This cause him to act very strange at his banquet. Succeeding this murder Macbeth did not stop. Macbeth then had Macduffs good family slaughtered. He also hired murderers for t his killing. He had them killed because of the witches prophecies. The witches told Macbeth that he should fear Macduff. finished all these murders Macbeth goes from a coward to an arrogant murderer. His consequences for his actions was death. He was killed by Macduff duration they were fighting. This was a satisfactory punishment for his behavior. For murdering all those people he was put to death.
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I feel that any punishment other than this would have been an injustice. peeress Macbeth on the other hand was a little little cruel. She had one major(ip) purpose. Her role was the plot to kill Duncan. She devised the entire plan.! From how, when, and to whom will kill him. She decided that she would kill him herself. When it came chain reactor to it though she could not kill Duncan. She then turn to Macbeth to do the deed. He did not want to do it. She started to insult his human race when he refused. This convinced him to show her that he was not a coward. She was the major influence on Macbeth. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were extremely deceptive. They invited...If you want to express a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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